Energy network Security
Open and secure
While Smart Grid architectures advance, the necessary communication between TSO (transit system operator), DSO (distribution system operator), energy producers and consumers becomes more demanding as well. International organisations react by defining precise information exchange requirements. For example in the EU, these are gathered in network codes and the SO GL (system operations guide line).
IEC 61850 and CIM are the necessary standard building blocks for the interfaces of network and service data. Due to increasing decentralization, the number of substantial size energy producers and consumers (SGUs or significant grid users) grows, public communication networks need to be used and 61850 and CIM need to be enhanced with standard ICT and internet protocols and solutions.
The importance of sustainable decentralized energy resources including virtual powerplants will only grow, the impact of these resources on the overall grid needs solid controls.
The combination of high-value, and network critical information and public networks requires a very high level of security. Xelas Energy products anticipate to these market trends, by offering advanced security implementations, based on IEC 62351 (-4 for MMS and -6 for Goose and SV), including standard building blocks for RBAC management and X.509 certificate management, and options for IEC 62351-14 cyber security logging.
Xelas already is supporting R-Goose and R-SV, enabling near-to-real-time statistics and communications across the full grid.
Combined with our powerful embedded server toolkit, our feature-rich 61850 client, own stacks and our full 61850-10 testing platform: all software required for various types of gateways, open and secure.