IEC 61850-90-5 R-GOOSE / R-SV

Xelas Energy has implemented the R-GOOSE and R-SV protocol additions.

Xelas Energy products have full support for GOOSE and SV messages, sent directly over Ethernet.  While this has speed advantages, it limits the routing scope of the messages to the local substation.

To address this issue, IEC 61850-90-5 introduced the concept of Routable GOOSE and Sampled Values (known respectively as R-GOOSE and R-SV). These allow messages with the same payload data as regular GOOSE or SV to be sent over UDP/IP.

R-GOOSE / R-SV Highlights

The figure on the left shows the various protocols as defined in IEC 61850.

Highlights of the Xelas Energy R-GOOSE and R-SV implementation are:

  • Messages are Multicast over UDP, preserving the connectionless logic of the publish/subscribe model
  • Xelas Energy products fully support the R-MSVCB and R-GoCB control blocks.
  • Messages are now routable beyond the substation to anywhere reachable by an IP network.
  • Robust security can be applied to Routable messages via the Xelas Energy 62351-6 security implementation for GOOSE and SV.
  • Xelas Energy products are fully compatible with the SCL additions and UDPCOMADDR, introduced in the 61850-90-5 standard.
  • The new R-SV implementation is compatible with the UCA IUG 61850-9-2LE definitions, with an R-MSVCB control block replacing the existing MSVCB.
  • Xelas Energy servers (or server simulators) can act as R-GOOSE or R-SV publishers or subscribers.

Xelas Energy clients can act as R-GOOSE or R-SV subscribers.

R-GOOSE and R-SV are available as a plug-ins on the platforms listed below. 

  • Windows, Linux
  • Embedded OS including VxWorks, Embedded Linux

Download the IEC 61850-90-5 protocol datasheet

To request an evaluation package or get more information about the IEC 61850 products with IEC 61850-90-5 protocol information please email: